2018 Veno V-LINE V-150 pickup

2018 Veno V-LINE V-150 pickup



Craft ID
Revision 48

Fully redesigned. The Veno V-LINE 150 is the best pickup truck ever made by Veno with the most features possible that come standard such as twin radiators, stereo system, LED lights, 7 speed automatic transmission and sporty interior Why should you buy a Veno V-LINE 150? The V-LINE uses our C10-SC proven to outrun anything and standard 4x4 Diff-Lock from Yamaha to power through any situation


Length 6.75 m
Width 2.75 m
Height 2.12 m
Weight 2.328 t
Toughness 730
Offense 0
Defense 0
Thrust 2400
Output 7290
Cost Coin 3620 / Gold 0
App Version 1.2.3