人(女) / amat su kaze

人(女) / amat su kaze



Craft ID
Revision 0
Parent 5109521241341952
Original 5746949055578112

Have to download a new version/file of game if want to post free Add wheels/2400 coin at bottom 4 blocks an add weapons/20 mm to bag on left with white blocks an add rockets too the other side near hand add a weight at bottom of feet Got 6 rows of blocks too reduce height Might add a dress/not worth may crouch or lay may try 3d Add armor an too impeading assualt tank


Length 8.25 m
Width 6.25 m
Height 12 m
Weight 3.648 t
Toughness 1210
Offense 0
Defense 0
Thrust 0
Output 12120
Cost Coin 420 / Gold 0
App Version 1.3.2