T-34-76 1943

T-34-76 1943



Craft ID
Revision 0

"The most effective tank of the war", according to Hienz Guederich, the russian T-34 combined all three ascpects of armour, mobility, and firepower. Equipped with a powerful F-34 russian 76.2 mm anti tank gun capable of destroying much of the enemy armour, and armour of its own that could repel most ballastic weapon of the time, aswell as a high top speed of 54 kilometers an hour


Length 7.5 m
Width 3.25 m
Height 4.38 m
Weight 4.763 t
Toughness 1380
Offense 70
Defense 90
Thrust 2400
Output 11990
Cost Coin 59660 / Gold 0
App Version 1.2.2