A gift for Tippy Scars?!

A gift for Tippy Scars?!



Craft ID
Revision 0

If Tippy is reading this, I just wanted to say: I do kinda hate Diamond, but its not right to terrorize them. I try to love my enemies even if they don’t love me. I try to resolve with peace first before war. Back then...I will admit I was a bit of a bonehead...but if you look at the timeline, I’ve REALLY changed. I might be on top currently, but I’m inviting you to share it. Power is...read next


Length 0.25 m
Width 0.25 m
Height 0.25 m
Weight 0.003 t
Toughness 0
Offense 0
Defense 0
Thrust 0
Output 10
Cost Coin 0 / Gold 0
App Version 1.2.3